How Wolf Group
saves energy?

Our clients
Wolf Group focuses all of its efforts on providing the best construction solutions for each of its customer segments.
Professional (PRO)
Do-it-yourself (DIY)
Industrial (IND)
Private label (PL)
The construction segment is Wolf Group’s main target. We are worldwide experts in the field of PU foams, sealants, adhesives and coatings and have an extremely wide range of products and building solutions.
Wolf Group has an exclusive selection of products for a variety of sealing tasks in your own home. We offer industrial-grade formulations, top performance and the best user experience.
Wolf Group has made a name in the business by delivering customised sealing and bonding solutions for the most demanding projects. Our aim is to grow particularly in prefabricated construction.
A number of the world’s best-known brands are Wolf Group’s private label customers. We offer full service – from research and product development, through manufacturing and to logistics solutions.

Our production units